Saturday, August 18, 2012

Internet ethics- social media updates - Workplace Ethics, Business ...

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Thank you for coming back.

I asked a couple of my friends what annoys them the most about social media updates.

My friends gave me the same answer, so without further adieu.

My second social media annoyance is??..

Too Much Info. better known as (TMI)

I am glad people express their love, but everyone does not need to hear.

I am sorry you were told wrong.

Expressing your love or desires in front of millions of people means no more than picking up the phone.

If you are one of those people who are impressed by this then you need a big dose of reality.

You do have to take my word so I will give you some points to consider.

First of all, social media updates are free. ?

It does not cost anything but time to post an update.

Social media friends are not your real ?friends?.

You wonder why no one responds to your updates, because they do not know you.

People who are familiar with you or your topic will respond to your updates because they feel a connection to you through work, school, friendship, family, or a similar interests.

I am not being too hard, because I respond to total stranger?s updates.

Here are some update annoyances.

?You are my Queen?, ?Doing Me?, ?I am getting it?, popular song quotes, pathetic poetry, etc.

Are you kidding me!!!

Who is your Queen; if someone is that important to you call them and tell them because social media ruins the romance.

Updates to avoid.

People please do not ask anyone to marry you online.

Stop saying how much you dislike someone.

If you are tired of dealing with someone, be a mature adult and tell them.

Let me be the first one to say I do not care about your hate.

People hate each other more when they are publicly disrespected.

I think you get the point, but I have to go back to expressing love because my friend said something funny.

?Get a room?

What bugs you online?

What are some of your pet peeves?

I want to hear your response.

If you thought I was a little mean let me know.


  1. Read more on this subject My 5 most annoying social media updates.(Part 1)
  2. Read more on this subject If companies keep trying to probe applicants, will social media become obsolete- Facebook?s response.
  3. Read more on this subject Give us your password, If you want to be hired.
  4. Read more on this subject Are school bullies getting meaner?


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