Thursday, August 23, 2012

Effective Advertising Tips | Robert Kivett's Empower Network Blog

advertising tips

Rob Is Empowered

Being a small business and staying in business has never been an easy task. Today small businesses are faced with more challenges than ever before. The following tips, facts and tricks will give your small business the competitive edge needed not only to survive, but also to be successful using some effective advertising tips

Advertising Tips


Is Your Small Business up to date?

The most important area of focus before starting any advertising is to make sure your small business is up to date with advertising technology.

advertising tips

A small business must take advantage of the following FREE ways to advertise:

Blogging ? FREE
Social Media ? FREE
Online Directories ? many FREE opportunities
Online Networking ? many FREE opportunities
Search Engine Optimization ? many FREE opportunities

Advertising Tips

Advertising Tips


Use Small Business Advertising That Works!

Advertising Tips

A small business has enough to worry about; there is no need to re-invent the wheel with small business advertising. Use advertising that has a proven track record and is known to work well for small businesses. All that?s left is to be creative and enhance what has already worked for millions of others.

You don?t have to spend a lot to get a lot.
You don?t need a big staff to reach a wide audience.

The following small business advertising tips WORK!

Outdoor Advertising ? reaches a tremendous audience outdoors.
Pay Per Click Advertising ? reaches a huge online audience.
Email Marketing ? reaches potential and existing customers.
Mobile Marketing ? reaches potential and existing customers.

These forms of advertising are great for branding and creating awareness for small businesses.

- Outdoor Advertising consists of Billboards ? Street Furniture ? Mass Transit ? Alternative.

- Pay Per Click Advertising uses search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to display your ads.

- Email Marketing allows you to reach your audience with custom emails filled with Offers ? Discounts ? Deals.

- Mobile Marketing allows small businesses to reach audiences through advertising in-stores, outdoors, online and more. By sending a text message to a custom word or number small businesses are able to offer current, potential and future consumers instant deals, savings and more.

Advertising Tips


: Do Not Stop Advertising!

Everyday matters for small businesses. Gaining exposure, reaching new customers and increasing sales are the lifelines and growth of every small business. Once you start your small business advertising do not stop. Quoting Thomas Jefferson, ?The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.?

Take advantage of the FREE ways to advertise your small business.

1. Creating short relevant blog articles at least 1 ? 2 times per week will work in your favor, keeping your small business looking fresh and up to date.
2. Using social media to make new connections, share your blog articles and display what you do and what you offer is an important way to increase your small businesses visibility with potential to increase sales.
3. Signup for FREE online advertising directories that are relevant to your small business. Do not just add your small business to any directory.
4. Make sure they are reputable? do some research during off hours and downtime. This will help your small business get found on the search engines and on directories that reach audiences by specific interest or category.
5. Join FREE online communities where you can network and share a wealth of information about your small business. Some excellent online communities for networking and sharing are merchant circle, and manta.

Advertising your small business should be routine, easy to maintain and kept at a reasonable monthly budget based on your sales and growth. Your small business can gain awareness and increase sales in a short time period as long as you remember to keep advertising tips and use advertising formats that are proven to work.

You may think that sounds like a lot, but for a fact only one staff member/employee is needed to carry out all the FREE online advertising listed above? and it will not even take up their full work day. Many small businesses operate with a limited number of staff and a limited budget. Taking advantage of FREE online advertising services will increase your small businesses visibility and awareness 100%.

And if learned about the different advertising tips and you want to know more about Empower Network where you can really feel empowerment just like what I feel, kindly read on and please share it with your friends and comment below.

To Your Success,
Robert Kivett

Follow Me on Twitter: rob is empowered
Check Out My FB Page: rob is empowered

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