Sunday, September 23, 2012

Free Download of David Bach's 'Debt Free for Life,' a WalletPop Exclusive

david bach book cover - debt free for lifeAre you ready to get out of debt once and for all? Would you like a plan to pay off your credit cards, student loans, mortgage debt, car loans-and be out of debt for life? Well you've come to the right place! Because on January 5 -- thanks to WalletPop and my publisher Crown Business Books -- we are going to do something amazing, exciting and best of all, free!

On Wednesday, January 5 -- for only 24 hours, we will be giving away a downloadable copy of my 12th book, Debt Free For Life: The Finish Rich Plan To Financial Freedom. Mark your calendar, tell your friends, share it on Facebook or Twitter, post it on your blog.

Update: The free download day is now over, but you can follow David Bach's 10 sessions to a debt free life by clicking here.Not only are we giving you a free copy of Debt Free For Life, but over the next 10 weeks I am also going to take you by the hand and coach you out of debt. We have created weekly videos, articles, and much more to answer all your questions about debt and give you an action plan to truly get out of debt yourself, starting immediately.

Over the course of our 10 weekly how-to sessions, you'll hear from real people who have used my Debt Free For Life system to:

  • Pay off their debt (one person has paid off more $70,000 in credit card debt)
  • Lowered their interest rates on all their credit cards (even when they thought it would be impossible) from as high as 29% to below 10%
  • Improve their credit scores over 50 points in just months, not years
  • Pay off a home 18 years early and save tens of thousand of dollars in interest
  • Be in a position to retire by age 43 (even if they started in debt just a few years before)
  • Adopt the Debt Free For Life mindset-and get friends at work to help keep you in it
So come back next week on Wednesday, January 5, 2011, and begin following my exclusive Debt Free For Life program here on WalletPop.

My name is David Bach, and I am the author of ten consecutive national bestselling financial books, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich. My website is, and you can join me and ask questions at With the help of these groundbreaking and life-changing lessons, I'm excited to help you reach your financial dreams in 2011.


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