Friday, October 26, 2012

Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite Virus

Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite is a ransomware infection from a family called Urausy. It's a scam created by Cyber criminals to trick PC users into paying a non existent fine of 100 euro and is targeted at computer users from France. Such infections have become very popular among Cyber criminals and they are continuing to create new ransomware infections. To make their deceptive screen lockers appear more legitimate such ransomware infections are translated to different languages and uses different graphics and names of authorities. This particular ransomware exploits the name of Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite and are using graphics related to this authority from France.

In reality this authority doesn't have anything to do with this message, it was created by criminals who are hopping that PC user will fall for such trickery and will send them the 100 euro. Note that none of the authorities around the world are using such methods (locking computer's screens) to collect fines for any law violations. This message stating that your PC was locked for downloading copyrighted content is a total scam and you shouldn't pay any fines to unlock your computer. Such infections are most commonly the result of poor computer's security measures and reckless Internet browsing habits.

Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virusOffice Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus is installed on users PC using security vulnerabilities. Cyber criminals are using Trojans and Blackhole exploit kits to spread their deceptive screen lockers. Furthermore such ransomware infections are localised - computer users from different countries will see this message differently. For example if a computer user from Finland would get his PC infected with this ransomware the message fould appear as if it came from Polisen Enheten f?r Databrott, and the graphics would be changed correspondingly. Never trust such messages which blocks your computer's screen and asks to pay some fines. If your PC is already infected try using the provided removal guide and unlock your computer.

Fake message shown in Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus:

Attention! Votre ordinateur est bloqu? ? cause d un ou de plusieurs motifs, indiqu?s ci-dessous. Vous avez viol? la loi ?Sur le droit d'auteur et les droits contigus (Vid?o, Musique, Logi-ciel) et vous avez ill?galement servi et/ou diffus? le contenu prot?g? par le droit d'auteur, de ce fait vous avez viol? l'article 128 du Code p?nal de la France. L'article 128 du Code p?nal pr?voit lamende d'un montant de 2 jusqu'? 500 r?mun?rations du travail minimales ou la privation de libert? pour de 2 ? 8 ans. Vous avez visionn? ou diffus? le contenu pornographique interdit (Child Porno/Zoofilia and etc), ayant viol? l'article 202 du Code p?nal de la France. L'article 202 du Code p?nal pr?voit la privation de libert? pour de 4 ? 12 ans. L'acc?s ill?gal aux donn?es informatiques a ?t? effectu? de votre ordinateur ou vous... L'article 208 du Code p?nal pr?voit l'amende d'un montant de 100.000? et/ou la privation de libert? pour de 4 ? 9 ans. L'acc?s ill?gal a ?t? effectu? ? votre insu, votre ordinateur est probablement infect? par Le logiciel nuisible, de ce fait vous violez la loi sur 'Uutilisation n?gligente de Uordinateur". L'article 210 du Code p?nal pr?voit l'amende d'un montant de 2000? jusqu'? 8000E. La diffusion du spam ou une autre op?ration publicitaire ill?gale ? but lucratif a ?t? effectu? de votre ordinateur, ou ? votre insu, votre ordinateur est probablement infect? par le logiciel nuisible. L'article 212 du Code p?nal pr?voit l'amende d'un montant jusqu'? 250.000? et la privation de libert? pour jusqu'? 6 ans. Si cette op?ration donn?e a ?t? produite ? votre insu, vous tombez sous le coup de (article 210 indiqu? ci-dessus du Code p?nal de la France. Maintenant nous d?terminons votre identit? et votre location, pendant 72 heures une affaire p?nale contre vous est ? ouvrir en vertu d'un ou de plusieurs articles indiqu?s ci-dessus. Conform?ment aux amendements au Code p?nal de la France du 28 mai 2012, cette infraction ? la loi (en cas de (absence de la r?p?tition d'un crime) peut ?tre consid?r?e avec sursis en cas du paiement de lamende au profit de (?tat. Vous ne pouvez payer l'amende que pendant 72 heures apr?s la violation. ? l'expiration de 72 heures la possibilit? de payer L'amende est annul?e, une affaire p?nale contre vous sera pendant prochaines 72 heures automatiquement ouverte! La somme de l'amende fait 100E. Au paiement de l'amende et apr?s ce que l'argent est re?u sur le compte de l'?tat votre ordinateur sera d?bloqu? pendant 1 ? 72 heures. Apr?s le d?blocage vous avez 7 jours ouvrables pour corriger cette infraction.
Si vous, ? l'expiration de 7 jours ouvrables, n'avez pas corrig? tous les d?lits, votre ordinateur sera bloqu? de nouveau, et une affaire p?nale contre vous sera automatiquement ouverte en vertu d'un ou de plusieurs articles ?num?r?s ci-dessus. Vous pouvez payer l'amende au profit de l'?tat par les proc?d?s suivants.

Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus removal:

Step 1

During your computer starting process press F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until Windows Advanced Options menu shows up, then select Safe mode with networking from the list and press ENTER.

Step 2

Log in to the account that is infected with Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus. Start your Internet browser and download a legitimate anti-spyware program. Update the anti-spyware software and start a full system scan. Remove all the entries that it detects.

remover for Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite scam

After completing these steps your computer should be clean, reboot your computer in normal mode.

Alternative Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite scam removal guide:

If this ransomware blocks your screen when you start your computer in safe mode with networking, try starting your PC in safe mode with command prompt.

1. During your computer starting process press F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until Windows Advanced Options menu shows up, then select Safe mode with command prompt from the list and press ENTER.

win 7 safe mode with command prompt

2. In the opened command prompt type explorer and press Enter. This command will open explorer window, don't close it and continue to the next step.

3. In the command prompt type regedit and press Enter. This will open the registry editor window.

4. In the registry editor window you should navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\

registy editor winlogon

5. In the right side of the window locate "Shell" and right click on it. Click on Modify. The default value data is Explorer.exe if you see something else written in this window remove it and type in Explorer.exe (you can write down whatever else was written in the value data section - this is a path of the rogue execution file) - use this information to navigate to the rogue executable and remove it.

6. Restart your computer, download and install a legitimate anti-spyware software and perform a full system scan to eliminate any left remnants of Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite scam.

remover for Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus

If you can't start your computer in safe mode with networking (or with command prompt) you should boot your computer using a rescue disk. Some variants of ransomware disables safe mode making it's removal more complicated. For this step you will need access to another computer. After removing Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite scam from your PC restart your computer and scan it with a legitimate antispyware software to remove any possibly left remnants of this security infection.

Other tools known to remove Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite ransomware:

Some malicious software modifies browser settings and disables downloads of spyware and virus removing software. If you have problems downloading anti-spyware software with Internet Explorer, try downloading with Chrome, FireFox, Opera, etc.

If you can't access Internet:

Load your computer in safe mode. Click Start, click Shut down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer starting process press F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see Windows Advanced Option menu, then select Safe mode with networking from the list.

Start Task manager. Press ctrl+alt+del (or ctrl+shift+esc) and end task the processes of rogue program. ( if after this procedure you can't access any programs press ctrl+alt+del, click File, select New Task, and type explorer.exe then press OK.

Open Internet explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options. Select Connections, then click LAN settings, if a Use a proxy server for your LAN is checked, un-check it and press OK.

After this procedure you should be able to access Internet. Now you can download anti-spyware software from our "Top spyware removers" section and run a full scan. Download, install and don't forget to update your selected anti-spyware program.

Manual Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite scam removal:

If you were unable to remove Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus using the steps above, you can use this manual removal instruction. Use it at your own risk. If you don't have strong computer knowledge you could harm your operating system. Be careful and use it only if you are an experienced computer user. (Instructions on how to end processes, remove registry entries...)

End these Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus processes:


Delete these Office Central de Lutte Contre la Criminalite virus files:



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