Thursday, November 22, 2012

Health Anxiety knocking on my door - Anxiety - MedHelp

Hey hon!

You're definitely not alone, a lot of people suffer from some level of health anxiety, some are full blow hypochrondriacs.

Certainly, what you went through with your dad probably affects the health related anxiety, I'm sure!!??BTW, I'm sorry for your loss.

What you have to do is remind yourself (often) that FEAR IS NOT FACT.??Get an index card out and write the FACTS down.??Your list would include the things your doc has told you, the tests you've had done to confirm that is is nothing to worry about, look up how common ovarian cysts are (VERY), add that to your list.??Put as many FACTUAL things on that list as you can.

Then, when you find yourself "what iffing"...get the list out, and read it, over and over, out loud if you have to.??Remind yourself that you are proactive about your health, and that God forbid anything ever happen, it will be discovered early enough to make for a positive outcome.

Lastly, STOP googling.??Seriously.??That's the worst thing you could do!!??You HAVE to exert some self control, and walk away from the computer.

Hang in there sweetie~!??And, vent away, any time!


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