Friday, November 30, 2012

American Horror Story, Season 2

Lily Rabe as Sister Mary Eunice and Fredric Lehne as Frank in 'American Horror Story: Asylum.'

Lily Rabe as Sister Mary Eunice and Fredric Lehne as Frank in 'American Horror Story: Asylum.'

Photo by Michael Becker/FX.

Every week in?Slate?s?American Horror Story TV club, J. Bryan Lowder will have an IM conversation with a different?AHS fan. This week, he rehashes episode 2.7 with Abby Ohlheiser, a Slate contributor.

J. Bryan Lowder: Ok, Abby. I?m just going to say it. This evening may be remembered as the night American Horror Story jumped the shark. I don?t want to believe it?you know I?m a big fan of the overblown melodrama and camp sensibility of AHS?but there were a few moments in this episode where I paused the DVR and just shook my head. I mean, I was still kind of turned on by the hubris of having Frances Conroy as the Angel of Death, that fakeout where it looked like Sister Jude was going to be a freaking ghost for a minute, and poor, poor Lana being thrown from the frying pan into the fire and then basically into the core of the sun, but the more rational part of me just couldn?t deal with all of it at once.

Save me from myself?tell me that it worked for you, please!

Abby Ohlheiser: I'm sorry, Bryan, but I can't save you. I, too, am a fan of this show, but am finding myself mourning the death of the show's last feminist vestiges right now. Sister Jude's revelation that all she really wanted all along was a family elicited an audible sigh from me.

Lowder: Ew, yes, I had blocked that bit out. The most disappointing development in her storyline for me was that when she told the ANGEL OF DEATH to hold up for a minute, her "one last thing" that she needed to do was not burn down Briarcliff and fix all the injustices there, heroine style, but instead confess her hit-and-run to a family that probably didn't want to hear all that (and of course, we find out that their daughter hadn?t actually died). I realize we're on a soul-searching journey with Jude right now, but I'm about ready for her to get back in the real game.

Ohlheiser: Yes! ?unless that girl's dad gets to Jude first. Which, given the way this show is going, wouldn't surprise me.

Lowder: Not at all. But let's back up for a moment. I'm intrigued by your mention of the death of the show's feminist impulses. Was that comment pegged to a specific turn of events? I have to say, if I have to see Lana tortured or raped or just crying in another unimaginable situation one more time, I'm going to call sadism on the part of some writer. And thus far, such actions have been directed at...women.

Ohlheiser: Well, I should say that since our last (much more hopeful) conversation about the show's feminist streak, things have only gone downhill in that regard. So it's been a slow descent. But now that Frances Conroy's Angel of Death (as happy as I am to see her back in this show) has appeared to Jude, Grace [RIP], and Lana, I have a sinking feeling that the women in Briarcliff will only find liberation in death.

Lowder: That's a fascinating way of looking at it?that death is the only way out, especially for the women. I wonder if we're not heading to a Hamlet finish here, with basically everyone in the room dead except for our Horatio, who is, I guess, maybe Bloody Face? That would be a ballsy way to end a show, and somehow very Ryan Murphy. In any case, I'm totally at a loss for where we're going next, but it does seem like everyone who has escaped is getting pulled back to Briarcliff, which is now controlled by our possessed nun friend, Sister Mary Eunice. What did you think of that bitch-slap of a scene between her and Dr. Arden?

Ohlheiser: I mean, I kind of saw it coming. It made me wonder if the evil thing possessing her chose Sister Mary on purpose?she's pretty much Arden's biggest weakness. Or was. Whatever it is she's doing, he clearly is a big central part of it. Now against his will, perhaps, but I'm finding it hard to have much sympathy for him. Especially now that he's grown from the simple sadist doctor we used to know into a Nazi sadist doctor.

Lowder: I know, that Nazi appellation is never really a good look. For me, Sister Mary's power trip has a certain perverse appeal, especially because I've always been attracted to narratives with a villain who knows all your secrets. However, I'm starting to wonder if the number of characters on this show possessing omnipotent or puppeteer-like knowledge?which now includes a demon, presumably an alien, Dr. Threadson and an angel?have reached a critical mass. There are so many people who KNOW ALL, and too much of that feels too oppressive to the normal characters to me. Do you feel any of this, or is it just my weird hang-up?

Ohlheiser: I feel you, though my reaction to the scene itself was a bit "ho, hum." I so very much wanted to love Sister Mary's takedown of Arden, but the thrill is kind of gone since she became omnipotent. I was much more interested in whether the Angel of Death represents more of a threat or of a rival to her. If she's a threat, then it opens up the universe even more, in yet another direction. If she's a rival, then I'll have to beg the writers not to introduce another extended catfight subplot to this show.

Lowder: That's a great point?I?m definitely hoping for threat, but I think it's smart that's the angel is more green than Glinda. An overly strong "good" force would be out of place here; plus, we did hear the angel confess that she does not judge, but only responds to "songs" or "cries." What that bodes for Mary's plans I can't yet discern.

OK, before we go, I just want to take a moment to highlight our favorite lines from this episode. Despite its violent context, I have to say I did enjoy Thredson's delightfully twisted "I can either cut you or strangle you; I don't believe in guns." Did you have a favorite?

Ohlheiser: My favorite was the campy Sister Mary/Devil talking to each other in the same body exchange, where (presumably) Mary's sobbing plea for freedom is shot down by her own "Shut up you stupid sow!" Followed by a delightfully calm, "She likes it here."

Lowder: HA, yes, that was divine! Well, it?s been nice chatting with ?one like me, but fallen;? however, I have other souls to bring mercy to before the night is out. Just sing, Abby, if you need me!

Ohlheiser: Night, Bryan. Here's hoping AHS doesn't need a merciful being of its own next week to rescue it from itself.

Thursday: What other writers and Slate commenters thought about Episode 7.


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Panel to investigate Armstrong links to cycling body

GENEVA (AP) ? British judge Phillip Otton will chair the three-member panel investigating the International Cycling Union's links to the Lance Armstrong doping case.

The UCI, cycling's governing body, announced the independent commission on Friday, saying British Paralympic great Tanni Grey-Thompson and Australian lawyer Malcolm Holmes also will serve on the panel that will meet in London from April 9-26 and issue a report by June 1.

"The appointment of these three eminent figures demonstrates clearly that the UCI wants to get to the bottom of the Lance Armstrong affair and put cycling back on the right track," UCI President Pat McQuaid said in a statement.

Otton's sports legal cases include a Premier League relegation dispute involving Carlos Tevez, and Chelsea's tactics in trying to lure Ashley Cole from Arsenal.

Grey-Thompson is a 10-time Paralympic gold medalist in wheelchair racing who is now a lawmaker in the upper chamber of Britain's Parliament.

The UCI asked Court of Arbitration for Sport board president John Coates to help create a panel to investigate suspicions raised by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's damning report into widespread doping by Armstrong's teams during his seven Tour de France victories from 1999-2005.

Armstrong was stripped of seven Tour de France titles and banned for life.

McQuaid said the UCI had no part in choosing the three officials, who have drawn up the parameters for their investigation, which could be a key to rebuilding ? or wrecking ? the governing body's damaged credibility.

The commission will closely scrutinize McQuaid, who was elected as UCI president weeks after Armstrong first retired in 2005, and his predecessor, Hein Verbruggen, in their working relations with Armstrong.

The governing body denies claims made by former Armstrong teammates to USADA that it covered up suspicious samples from Armstrong in exchange for cash, or that the American rider enjoyed special protection.

"The commission's report and recommendations are critical to restoring confidence in the sport of cycling and in the UCI as its governing body," McQuaid said. "We will cooperate fully with the commission and provide them with whatever they need to conduct their inquiry and we urge all other interested stakeholders to do the same."

The UCI pledged to fund the commission's work and will be legally represented at the London hearings. It did not say whether the sessions will be held in public or behind closed doors.

"The costs of the independent commission will be a significant burden on the UCI," McQuaid said. "However, it is clear that only such a decisive and transparent examination of the past will answer our critics by thoroughly examining our assertion that the UCI's anti-doping procedures are and have been among the most innovative and stringent in sport."

The panel will examine whether the UCI's doping rules "were inadequate or were not enforced with sufficient rigor"; if the UCI had "any reliable evidence or information" that Armstrong was doping; and if it "adequately cooperated with, assisted in and reacted to the USADA" investigation.

A potential conflict of interest between the UCI's role promoting the sport and its duty to police anti-doping will also be examined.


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Healing Words: Creative Writing Programs as Therapy for Kids in ...

Coosa Valley Youth Detention Classroom. Photo by Ryan Schill.

ANNISTON, Ala. ? Mercy Pilkington?s classroom, at first glance, seems like any other in the nation?s public school system. Novels penned by John Steinbeck and Harper Lee are stacked over a U-shaped row of cubicles. The walls are lined with laminated posters; crayon-colored cutouts of chubby red robins and lime-green pigs are pasted on the room?s sole window.

Pilkington, 39, has taught for 11 years. For the last six, she?s been an English instructor at Coosa Valley Youth Services (CVYS), a facility for juvenile offenders in this northeast Alabama city tucked in the foothills of the Appalachians. After years of distress from discarding her students? writing after they left the facility, Pilkington decided to give her students ? both former and current ? the ability to share their writing with the world at large through a blog called ?Writers on the Inside.?

The blog gives students access to their essays, poetry and stories long after they leave CVYS, Pilkington said. ?When you?re not here, you can call up this website and there?s the story that you wrote,? she tells her students.

On this day, Pilkington?s classroom is primarily an audience of young boys, all clad in neon-orange jumpers, a reminder that this is no ordinary school. She carries a chemical restraint canister at her hip, and a personal alarm is tethered to her keychain. Still, through six years at CVYS, she said she?s never had to use the chemical restraint, and used the alarm only once ? when one of her students experienced a seizure in class.

Although Pilkington has worked with several young people that came from ?good homes,? the majority of her students have extensive histories of abuse and neglect, she said.

?If you live in a home where your stepfather rapes you,? she said, ?or you live in a house where you come home everyday wondering if your mom is there ? let alone if she?s sober ? it?s not going to turn out well.?

She added: ?People need to understand society created these kids. We turn them into the things they end up being.?

?There Are A Lot of Us Interested In What They Have To Say?

Pilkington?s program is not the only one of its kind in the United States. Many programs

Coosa Valley Youth Detention library. Photo by Ryan Schill.

incorporating elements of creative writing have been set up across the nation?s juvenile halls and treatment facilities, with the National Endowment for the Arts recognizing creative writing workshops like Massachusetts? Actors? Shakespeare Project and the Los Angeles-based InsideOUT Writers. Proponents of such programs believe not only can creative writing play a huge role in the rehabilitation of young offenders; they additionally serve as opportunities to instill both a sense of empowerment and consistency to a juvenile population frequently considered downtrodden and unstable.

David Inocencio, co-founder and director of The Beat Within, a San Francisco-based magazine that features essays and stories written by juvenile detainees, says creative writing can definitely be a therapeutic process for young people in the nation?s juvenile justice system.

?You?re going to get a young person that?s carrying a lot of baggage to put the baggage in thoughts on paper,? he said. ?They?re going to get this amazingly thoughtful writing that speaks to a young person wanting to see a better life for him or herself.?

Inocencio started publishing the magazine in 1996. For the last 17 years, he?s held writing workshops inside juvenile halls across California. Currently, The Beat Within personnel serve more than 5,000 young people in California, and conduct multiple workshops across the nation, including programs in Arizona, Texas and Washington, D.C.

Making writing a habit for young people, Inocencio stated, is a tremendous platform for young people to express themselves and air their concerns about the environments they inhabit.

?We encourage the young people to keep on writing no matter where they go,? he said. ?Whether it?s penitentiary, rehab, a group home or back into their communities ? that they keep writing to tell their story.?

Inocencio said writing programs like The Beat Within allow a population without a voice to speak up. The effects, he believes, also prove positive for adults within the juvenile justice field, as it gives attorneys, service workers and judges greater insight into the lives of young offenders.

?We?re able to get a window in the world of this young person,? he said. ?In the end, when you read the publication, reading what these young people have to say through the workshops, you?re seeing what?s broken.?

He also believes writing workshops allow young people to develop trust for adults. ?There are a lot of us interested in what they have to say,? he said.

The benefits of implementing creative writing programs in juvenile detention facilities are apparent, Inocencio said. ?Seeing your writing, knowing that it?s going nationwide and read by folks in Washington, D.C., Alabama, Hawaii ? it empowers a young person.?

Creative writing not only changes a young person?s conceptualization of self, but also alters his or her life goals, Inocencio believes.

?It also helps the young writer realize that there?s more to his or her life than what got him or her in the system in the first place,? he said. ?I don?t have to stay in the path of destruction [and I] do have the tools to get a high school diploma, or go on to higher education. Or that I am bigger than the label that has been placed on me.?

?I?ve Had Some Really Surprising Stories?

Coosa Valley Youth Detention classroom. Photo by Ryan Schill.

Pilkington says many of her students ask her if their blog entries have received any additional comments from website visitors. ?They?re just blown away that people want to read it,? she said.

The Writers on the Inside entries consist primarily of in-class assignments, which, once redacted, are uploaded to the blog. ?The students can?t use people?s names or their hometown,? she said. Additional safeguards ensure blog visitors cannot contact students, and students are not allowed to respond to comments posted on their entries. One of Pilkington?s greatest concerns is that individuals involved in some of her students? charges may leave hateful or intimidating messages on the blog. She remedies this by setting the blog so all comments have to be pre-approved by her before being visible to visitors to the site.

?Almost everything that?s been put up there has been free writing,? she notes. ?If you?ve got something in mind you want to write,? she frequently tells her students, ?you?re more than welcome to.?

She said many times, her students just want someone to know what?s happened to them ? to have someone believe their accounts.

?It?s like they have this urge to get out and say, ?Hey, this is what happened to me,?? she said. ?I?ve had some really surprising stories.?

In one essay, titled ?This is My Life,? one of Pilkington?s students reflects upon a long history of abuse suffered at the hands of her parents.

?When I hear somebody talking about how bad their life is just because they have a ?fight? with their parents, I get really mad.

?My real dad tried to kill me and now I?ll always have that big ugly scar on my stomach to remember it by. By the time I was seven my mom was a stripper/prostitute; she would do anything in order to get money for her drug addiction. Even if that meant selling her own daughter to grown men for support of it.?

Another essayist writes:

??I have had a terrible life. My biological dad was in jail when my biological mother died, but he had two choices. 1. Find somebody to take care of me or 2. Put me in Foster Care.

?He decided to pick neither. Instead he tried to sell me and my other brother. My brother had some mental issues. He tried to kill me twice. Each time he had tried to drown me.?

Pilkington said although many of her students write about their own experiences, an equal number would prefer writing about more fantastical subjects. ?I?ve gotten just as many that will not write about their personal life,? she said. ?They want to write fiction short-stories.?

One of her students wrote of a fictitious inmate receiving a lethal injection, while others wrote about high school baseball stardom, earning their driver?s licenses?and going fishing with explosives. The theme of guilt and punishment is common, even when the young writers dwell upon made-up worlds.

?As he left the scene of the crime, Victor was bawling,? begins one short story, titled ?The Cry of Goodbye,? by a resident named J.F.

?He couldn?t believe his father had murdered that young boy.

?Victor had paid for the fine and the cars, but he new he could never pay for the little boy?s life. Victor had went to the little boy?s house so he could apologize to the little boy?s parents. The little boy?s parents were very happy that he had apologized.?

If You Like To Write, Or You?ve Got Something To Say, You Do It

Pilkington said she was initially surprised the CVYS administration wanted to start the program ? an idea she said was green-lit following an informal parking lot conversation.

?There are great facilities out there; there are some horrible facilities out there,? she said. ?And this happens to be one of the good ones that really cares a lot about what happens to kids.?

Pilkington said, gauging from their reactions to comments posted on her blog, her

Mercy Pilkington. Photo by Ryan Schill.

students believe they have something ?worth saying? and something ?that people want to know about.? During classes, she said she?s shown her students how to set up a blog, and demonstrated how she can update the site through smart phones and other mobile devices.

?If you like to write, or you?ve got something to say, you do it,? she said. ?You don?t worry about what other people think about it or if just two people read it today. It?s your site.?

At the facility, Pilkington said some of her students have to write their essays using felt tip markers.

?I?m a writer myself, and I can?t imagine having to write my story on notebook paper with a magic marker,? she said.

Her students? desire to write, even when having to resort to unconventional implements, demonstrates an emotional need to get their stories out, she believes. In some instances, Pilkington said, her students? work is barely legible.

?We go through every single word and fix it to make it readable,? she said. ?We sit there, and word for word, put a comma here, capitalize this.?

Pilkington said her intent with the blog is multifaceted, but at the end of the day, she just wants visitors to realize many of her pupils have a knack for the written word.

?I want people to read it,? she said, ?and go, ?Wow, the 15-year-old burglary suspect actually can write a decent story.??

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Messi, Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic head World XI list

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:21 a.m. ET Nov. 29, 2012

ZURICH (AP) -Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovic head the list of candidates for selection as forwards in a FIFPro World XI.

Neymar and Uruguay teammates Luis Suarez and Edinson Cavani are also among 15 nominees for three places in the world lineup.

Contenders from South America include Radamel Falcao and Sergio Aguero.

Manchester United teammates Robin van Persie and Wayne Rooney, and Aguero's Manchester City colleague Mario Balotelli represent the Premier League.

Africa has Didier Drogba and Samuel Eto'o in contention. France's Karim Benzema and Mario Gomez of Germany complete the list.

Candidates for other positions were previously announced.

The FIFPro World XI, chosen by 50,000 members of the global players' union, will be announced on Jan. 7 at the FIFA Ballon D'Or gala in Zurich.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Did Solar System's Planets Have Rings Before Moons?

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Agency says hackers didn't steal sensitive info on Iran's nuclear program

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A young model was either insane, or a calculating, quick-thinking murderer who feigned mental illness when he killed and castrated his lover, a prominent Portuguese journalist, in their New York hotel room last year, a jury heard on Wednesday. No one disputes that Renato Seabra, 22, killed Carlos Castro, 65, in January 2011. Seabra pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to a charge of second degree murder, and his trial reached closing arguments at Manhattan criminal court. ...


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Remember QR Codes? The Leading Reader, Scan, Has Been Downloaded 25 Million Times, Scans 27 Million Codes A Month

Screen Shot 2012-11-27 at 11.48.13 AMSomething there is that doesn't love a QR code, but that hasn't stopped leading QR code scanner makers Scan from serving up 25 million copies of their software. The company, which currently processes 27 million codes per month, is offering version 2.0 of their product.


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First accredited German language centre in Wales ... - Education

Cardiff University?s Centre for Lifelong Learning is the first language provider in Wales to be accredited by the Goethe-Institut to conduct internationally recognised German language examinations.

The Goethe-Institut, with headquarters in Munich, is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany whose purpose it to promote knowledge of the German language and culture abroad. Their examinations correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and are well known throughout the world and accepted as a qualification by employers.

After assessing the Centre and its German language provision, the Goethe-Institut signed a partnership agreement for holding the examinations of the Goethe-Institut at Cardiff University.

Helga Eckart, Senior Lecturer at the Centre said: ?With Germany being a top-employment country for British people it is hoped that many will be encouraged to sit these exams. We are excited that from 2013 onwards we will be an examination centre of the Goethe-Institut and I am thrilled that we are the first and the only institution in Wales to sign such an agreement.?

The range of German language courses that the Centre offers, from beginners to advanced, will provide ample opportunity to practise for these certificates.

Juliana Nau, a German Tutor at the Centre said: ?Taking some of the Goethe-Institut exams will punctuate your progress and attest your level of competence at any given time. The Goethe-Institut exams offer some of the most widely recognized German language qualifications and are offered at six different levels, from basic to near native proficiency.? They are purely skills based rather than predominantly academic.? In other words, spoken communication, listening to news and interviews, reading texts and e-mails feature high on the agenda.? Most of our German classes follow a syllabus that will prepare you for these exams.?

Over the years, strong links with Paris, Madrid and Sienna have been developed for the DELF/DALF qualifications in French, the DELE in Spanish and the CILS in Italian and more recently Public Service Interpreting ? qualifications which many language students have benefitted from. It is hoped that the German examination Centre will be just as successful.

Screen Shot 2012 10 26 at 17.04.52 1024x366 First accredited German language centre in Wales | Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning

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YouTube Anaconda Vomited Goat, Not Cow

A YouTube video of an anaconda allegedly disgorging a cow became an overnight sensation, but the unlucky animal was probably a much less impressive goat, one expert says.

The video shows an anaconda in the Brazilian Amazon regurgitating the intact carcass of a brown-and-white?spotted mammal, and was originally posted under the title "Giant Anaconda Regurgitates a Whole Cow."

The animal in the video is too small to be anything but a baby cow, though, and is more likely a much smaller mammal ? a goat, said Frank Indiviglio, a former herpetologist with the Bronx Zoo who currently writes at ThatReptileBlog. Besides, anacondas can't eat an entire, full-grown cow: the largest animal documented to have been consumed by a constrictor is a 130-pound (59-kilogram) impala, eaten by an African rock python in 1955.

And contrary to some early speculation, the regurgitated animal's coloring doesn't match the brownish gray coat of the capybara, a South American rodent that can grow up to 150 pounds (66 kg), Indiviglio said. [See Video of Snake Regurgitating Goat]

"It's absolutely not a capybara," Indiviglio told LiveScience. "Capybaras have different legs, different color, a different tail."

Indiscriminate eaters

Anacondas live in South America, can grow up to 20 feet (6 meters) long and may weigh up to 330 pounds (150 kg), according to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Though massive, the anaconda has nothing on the largest snake that ever lived, the extinct Titanoboa cerrejonensis, a 45 foot-long (15.2 meter), 2,500 pound (1,135 kg) monster snake that lived about 60 million years ago in modern-day Colombia.

Anacondas aren't picky eaters, strangling and swallowing anything from piglets to other snakes, to 30-pound river turtles, shell and all, he said.

In fact, the mammal shown in the YouTube video may actually be a pretty humdrum meal for the monstrous snake.

"Plenty of people have seen anacondas with horns poking out of [their] skin because they've tried to swallow deer that have antlers," Indiviglio said.

Indiviglio has even seen an anaconda swallow a 5-foot-long Caiman crocodile. "That took the animal all day to kill," Indiviglio said. "They don't suffocate easily, like a mammal."

Vomiting common

The vomiting shown in the YouTube video occurs relatively commonly, Indiviglio said. Because their big meals incapacitate them, the snakes sometimes have to vomit in order to escape dangers.

Once the giant constrictors like this anaconda swallow a meal, their internal organs shrink to make room for the huge mass of food, and their powerful digestive enzymes spend weeks breaking down everything but hip bones, hooves and fur.?

"After a big meal, they've just got to crawl off, find a sunny warm place and sit there for weeks," he said.

The massive effort of digesting a meal makes the snakes slow and heavy. As a result, at the first hint of danger anacondas regurgitate their meals in order to hide, fight or run.

In fact, the people recording the YouTube video may have prompted the anaconda to vomit up the goat, Indiviglio speculates. The setting shows much less-dense vegetation than is typical in the Amazon jungle, suggesting it lies near a human settlement such as a village.

"People might have pushed [the snake] into view for a better film, might have dragged it by the tail," Indiviglio said. "It probably could have kept that goat down had it not been disturbed."

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.?

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Treating Sleep Improves Psychiatric Symptoms

Cover Image: November 2012 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

Sleep may be a critical link?and therapeutic target?in mental illness

sleep therapy, psychiatric symptoms, mental illness and sleep, sleep-related issues, insomnia, daytime drowsiness, sleep apnea, depression Image: YE RIN MOK Corbis

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People with depression or other mental illnesses often report trouble sleeping, daytime drowsiness and other sleep-related issues. Now a growing body of research is showing that treating sleep problems can dramatically improve psychiatric symptoms in many patients.

Much of the latest work illustrates how sleep apnea, a common chronic condition in which a person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep, may cause or aggravate psychiatric symptoms. In past years sleep apnea has been linked to depression in small studies and limited populations. Now a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strengthens that connection. The CDC analyzed the medical records of nearly 10,000 American adults with sleep apnea. Men diagnosed with this disorder had twice the risk of depression?and women five times the risk?compared with those without sleep apnea. Writing in the April issue of Sleep, lead author Anne G. Wheaton and her colleagues speculate that in addition to interrupting sleep, the oxygen deprivation induced by sleep apnea could harm cells and disrupt normal brain functioning.

Treating this disorder shows promise for reducing symptoms of depression, a recent study at the Cleveland Clinic suggests. In the experiment, patients went to bed wearing a mask hooked up to a machine that increases air pressure in their throat. The increased pressure prevents the airway from collapsing, which is what causes breathing to cease in most cases of this disorder. Using this machine, psychiatrist Charles Bae and his colleagues treated 779 patients who had been diagnosed with sleep apnea. After an average of 90 days of sleeping with the machine, all the patients scored lower on a common depression survey than before the treatment?regardless of whether they had a prior diagnosis of depression or were taking an antidepressant. The data were presented in June at the SLEEP 2012 conference in Boston.

Investigating their patients' sleep health might allow doctors to alleviate mental disturbances early?perhaps even before patients try psychiatric drugs. This treatment could be especially important for children, according to three new studies that show sleep is associated with mental disturbance at young ages. An August study in Medical Hypotheses reported that about 25 to 50 percent of children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder experience sleep problems. A few months earlier in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found that of the 11,000 children in the study, those with disordered breathing in sleep (as reported by their parents) had 40 percent more behavioral difficulties at four years old and 60 percent more at age seven. Sleep disturbances affect moods, too?and not simply by producing crankiness. Adolescents who reported daytime drowsiness were also more likely to experience sadness, according to a March study in the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics.

Steven Y. Park, assistant professor of otolaryngology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has long been advocating that sleep disorders are an underlying cause of many psychiatric disorders. ?The way I see it,? Park says, ?you can't consider a psychiatric disorder without thinking about a sleep-breathing problem.?

This article was originally published with the title Treating Sleep Improves Psychiatric Symptoms.


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Today in things that will never happen, Republican Representative Darrell Issa has proposed a new bill called the Internet American Moratorium Act (IAMA) that would put a stop to any internet-related lawmaking for the next two years. More »


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5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Be Listening To! - Chris Ducker

Over the last couple of weeks I?ve been recording the first batch of episodes for my new podcast, which will be launched in time for Christmas, entitled ?The New Business Podcast?.

More about this next week? However, in the meantime, I wanted to bring to you a little listening pleasure in the meantime.

Podcasts are a great way to digest information and gain plenty of business tips and tactics. I?ve been a big fan for a long time, and regularly listen to them myself, obviously!

So, today I bring to you five of my personal?favorite?podcasts, and hope that you add a few more to the list, too, in the comment section below.

CopyBlogger Radio

Brain Clark and company produce one of the best internet marketing based podcasts around. My only gripe is that there aren?t as many episodes as I?d like! What I love about this one, more than anything else is the fact that the focus is on content. Creation of content and?marketing?of content ? all aimed towards developing a great online brand and business. Subscribe Here.


Lifestyle Business Podcast

This weekly?jaunt?from Dan and Ian, two of the smartest lifestyle entrepreneurs I know, has been firmly planted in my ?fave podcasts? list for years. Not only are these guys the real deal when it comes to running and growing business, but they also happen to do it all from their laptops, whilst traveling the world ? constantly. Tim Ferriss would be proud of these guys. Subscribe Here.


Smart Passive Income

Pat Flynn has one of the most successful online brands around today. His podcast has just hit the 50th episode mark and is quickly closing in on 2,500,000 downloads. Simply amazing. Couple all this together with a transparent approach, lots of smart guests and Pat?s own solo performances and you?re off to the races! Here?s the episode where he interviewed me. Subscribe Here.


Entrepreneur on Fire

John Dumas recently reached out to me, inviting me to come onto his new show, which boasts a new interview with a leading entrepreneur every DAY! Yes, you read right ? daily. My episode with John won?t be out until the New Year, I believe, but there is plenty of great stuff in the archives already. Be sure to check out the chat?s with Chris Brogan and Seth Godin for starters!?Subscribe Here.


Social Triggers Insider

Derek Halpern mixes smart business know-how and principles, along with psychology and human behavior to bring to you his own blend of marketing, sales and general entrepreneurial wisdom. Still only in his second year online, there?s a reason why he?s become so popular! He?s blunt, brilliant, ballsy and above all, memorable. Simply put, his stuff works. Subscribe Here.


What are some of the podcasts that YOU listen to? I?d love to know. Please post a link to iTunes, and feel free to pimp your own out, too ? if you have one!


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Falcons overcome mistakes to beat Buccaneers 24-23

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? No one has led more late game-winning drives during the past five seasons than Matt Ryan, who has kept the Atlanta Falcons flying high with five fourth-quarter rallies this year alone.

Matty Ice did it again Sunday, throwing for 353 yards and overcoming two critical turnovers to stop Tampa Bay's four-game winning streak with a 24-23 victory.

The Falcons (10-1) kept pace with the Houston Texans for the NFL's best record, and Ryan had plenty of help in withstanding a challenge from the up-and-coming Buccaneers (6-5).

"They are playing with a lot of confidence," said Ryan, who has won seven of his past eight starts against the Bucs. "It's always been a tough place for us to come play. They play with great effort, and I think they have a good football team."

Ryan teamed with Julio Jones on an 80-yard TD midway through the third quarter, but the Falcons found themselves trailing 23-17 after the Bucs marched for a touchdown, then used a sack-fumble to set up a field goal that left Atlanta needing another strong finish from their quarterback.

Ryan obliged by a leading a six-play, 64-yard march that Michael Turner finished with a 3-yard TD run that put the NFC South leaders ahead for good with 7:55 remaining.

Connor Barth missed a 56-yard goal for Tampa Bay (6-5) in the closing minutes, and the winning streak that's helped the Bucs climb back into playoff contention following a slow start ended when Josh Freeman's desperation pass fell incomplete in the end zone on the final play.

"The last drive, that's something we've done before this season," Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez said. "I really think that's a positive for us to be able to come up with plays like that when we have to like that. ... I'm really happy with the way we responded."

It's getting to be a way of life. Ryan has also led late marches to beat Carolina, Washington, Oakland and Arizona this season and has put together game-winning drives in the fourth quarter or overtime since entering the league in 2008 ? four of them against the division rival Bucs.

The Falcons won't have long to celebrate this one. The host the New Orleans Saints Thursday night in a rematch of the only game they've lost.

"Ten-and-1 is great, but I'll tell you what I've said since the beginning of the season: We're just jockeying for position," Gonzalez said. "We just want to put ourselves in the best position, playing the best football. Right around this time is when you want to start gelling as a team and take it on into the playoffs because that's the most important thing."

The win stopped the Bucs, who've won five or seven following a 1-3 start, from tightening the NFC South standings. Turner also scored a fourth-quarter TD that helped the Falcons overcome six turnovers to beat Arizona 23-19 last week.

Doug Martin scored on a pair of 1-yard run for the Bucs, however the rookie who began the day leading the NFL in total yards from scrimmage was limited to 50 yards rushing on 21 carries.

Barth kicked field goals of 22, 42, and 48 yards, the latter giving the Bucs their six-point lead after cornerback E.J. Biggers sacked Ryan to force a fumble. Ryan threw a second-quarter interception ? his sixth pick in two weeks ? that led Barth's field goal that made it 10-10 at the half.

Ryan completed 26 of 32 passes, including four straight on the drive that Turner finished with his TD run. Jacquizz Rodgers had a 5-yard TD run in the first quarter, and Jones finished with six receptions for 147 yards despite playing on a sore right ankle that limited him in practice.

Ryan started the game with 10 straight completions before Ronde Barber's interception and 28-yard return to the Atlanta 31 led to Barth's first field goal.

The Falcons drove to the Tampa Bay 4 in the closing seconds of the half, but wasted an opportunity to regain the lead when Matt Bryant hooked a 22-yard field-goal attempt wide left as time expired. The Atlanta kicker missed a 48-yarder with 8 seconds left, giving the Bucs one more chance to pull out what would have been their first signature victory under first-year coach Greg Schiano.

"It was a hard-fought game by both teams, a very physical game," Schiano said. "But I do think missed opportunities were a big part of it. There were some chances both offensively and defensively, and in the kicking game."

Freeman finished 19 of 30 for 256 yards, and Vincent Jackson had five catches for 96 yards. A big factor in the loss, though, was Atlanta's held the Bucs to field goals after each of Ryan's turnovers, once after Tampa Bay had 1st-and-goal at the Atlanta 3.

"I thought our defense did an outstanding job again. They were put in some tough situations after turnovers," Falcons coach Mike Smith said, adding that slowing Martin was one of the keys to the game as well.

"We knew it was going to be one of our 'musts,' and I thought we did a nice job," Smith added. "I thought we played the run extremely well, controlled the line of scrimmage. That is an outstanding running back."

Notes: Falcons starting cornerbacks Asante Samuel (shoulder) and Dunta Robinson (head) left the game with injuries in the third quarter. ... Barber, who made his 210th straight start to tie Jim Otto for the seventh-most consecutive starts in NFL history, has 47 career interceptions. ... Martin has 1,050 yards rushing yards, eighth-most in a season by a Tampa Bay running back. ...Gonzalez had five receptions for 62 yards, and Roddy White had six for 57 yards for Atlanta.


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Student Loan ? The Cause of next Financial Crisis? | Green World ...

The question might seem a little absurd, but it?s worth taking a look. It is reported that over $120 Billion in Federal Student Loans is in default and thus it can be the reason for the next financial crisis globally.

One question that has always evaded greater scrutiny has been the very critical default rate for student borrowers, a number which very few lenders and colleges openly disclose for fears that? the general public would comprehend not only the true extent of the student loan bubble, but that it has now burst. Based on the data released, the default rates for federal loan borrowers was rising but was not too troubling. Upon investigation it was found that the reason on why the risk was still low despite increasing the defaulters was due to the use of fudged data that drastically misrepresented the seriousness of the situation thus dramatically undercutting the amount of bad debt in the system.

The United States Department of Education, for the first time ever, released official three-year or much more thorough federal student loan cohort default rates. Unexpectedly the numbers turned out to be surprising, though in a negative sense. The number, for all colleges, stood at a stunning 13.4% for the 2009 cohort. The number reported is shocking as it is nearly 50% greater than the old benchmark, which tracked a two year default cohort, and was a ?mere? 8.8% for the 2009 year thus clearly explaining about the seriousness of the situation of rising debt.

The new improved report which is broken down by type of education and uses much more realistic benchmark, for-profit institutions had the highest average three-year default rates at 22.7 percent, with public institutions following at 11 percent and private non-profit institutions at 7.5 percent.

Thus, in other words, it can be said that more than one in five federal student loans is now in default and will likely never be repaid!

Also it is next to impossible to use historical data to extrapolate with precision the current consolidated federal student loan default rate though we do know that there is $914 billion in federal student loans (which also was mysteriously revised over 50% higher by the Fed). It is reported that there is now at least $122 billion in federal student loan defaults and surging every day.

The picture is crystal clear on why the Federal administration has been so reticent about disclosing the true state of the Federally-funded student loan bubble. Because if one simply assumes the rising default rate has kept constant across all recent cohorts since the updated 2009 number, it would mean broadly speaking, that of the $914 billion in Federal Student Loans at least 13.4% will end up in default.

Will it be right to say that we are about to meet the new subprime?

Well the answer to that was quietly reported in the recent news stating that the new data released by department of Education indicated there had been a concerted push by all sides to misrepresent the severity of the student debt problem, by over 50%. Thankfully the ?why? in the case need not be answered and is quite simple. Thanks to the US president Mr. Barack Obama, who touted an executive order easing the process for applying for a loan program that lets students make lower payments tied to their income? This results in easing their burden and making it less likely they will default. Under the new 3-year measure, colleges with default rates of 30 percent or more for three consecutive years will risk losing eligibility for federal financial aid. The same is applied in case of schools as well with the rate balloon fixed at 40% in a single year.

It was also found in a report by the Senate Committee that some of the for-profit colleges encourage students to defer payments in their early years, in an effort to keep down default rates which could help them jeopardize their federal funding. The report accused for-profits of using the tactic to manipulate their default rates.

Federally funded student loans are now increasing at a rate of over $60 billion per quarter which estimates that in about 18 months the total size of the Federal student loan will touch the whooping $1.3 trillion mark. Is the number surprising? Well that?s the number of the last subprime crisis resulted due to mortgage loans. $1.3 trillion was the reported size of the subprime market when the credit bubble busted. Thus it can be seen that the Federal student loan bubble has not only popped, but has all the carbon copy makings of the next subprime crisis and this time it will be something more bigger than compared to mortgage subprime crisis of 2007. Reason being simple, mortgage crisis had properties left behind whereas in case of student loan no recoverable asset is present as the asset himself is a human being. Thus a simple mantra, its time we need to act to save the global economy from a new phase of recession which is going to hit soon with greater power and greater loss to life and humanity.

Act before it?s too late!



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Friday, November 23, 2012

5 Links Social Media Marketers Can Be Thankful For | Tresnic Media

There is so much information on the Internet that it?s ridiculous. Trying to keep up with all of the new technology, ideas, strategies, tactics can be an extremely overwhelming task. Consuming new information through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, email, RSS readers, and the list goes on.

For Thanksgiving, I thought it would be nice to give thanks to these five articles that I found extremely valuable reads and worth bookmarking. So thank you to?Shanna Mallon, David Masters,?Cindy King,?John Haydon?and?Laura Lee Walker. Below are five practical articles (with their descriptions from the author) that you can use to improve your social media efforts.

Using Social Media For Lead Generation

Social Media for Lead Generation: Quick tips on how to turn your community into actual prospects for your business

Social Media Cheat Sheet for Small Businesses

Are you new to the social media scene and want to get your barrings? After all, there are many potential social networks to choose from.

13 Ways to Boost Your Facebook Page Reach Without Spending a Single Dime

While Facebook has seen some changes over the last few months, marketers need to stop complaining and open their eyes to how they can continue to use Facebook to reach their audience.

24 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools

Are you looking for ways to enhance your social media marketing??Do you want new tools to simplify your job??We asked a group of social media pros for the hottest social media tools they use today.?Check them out to see if these social media tools are a good fit for you!

Advanced LinkedIn Techniques for Getting More Clients

With over 150 million members, LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the Internet. Chances are, potential clients for your freelance business are active on LinkedIn. What?s more, as LinkedIn is a professional network, people are there to do business, making it the ideal place to promote your freelance services.

What Social Media Marketing Articles Are You Thankful For?

Share your favorite articles that provide practical advice for improving your social media marketing.

Todd Giannattasio is a master of digital communications. He graduated from Seton Hall University where he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Communications as well as Specializing in Computer Graphics with a Certificate in Web Design. Professionally, Todd has spent time working for a small multimedia agency, one of the top four global record labels and a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. As the founder of Tresnic Media, Todd looks to bring businesses to the forefront of their markets through customer-oriented design, quality content strategies and engaging, online customer relationships. His knowledge and expertise are in all things digital. A master of web design and development, Todd also specializes in social media management and search engine optimization.


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Novel mechanism through which normal stromal cells become cancer-promoting stromal cells identified

ScienceDaily (Nov. 21, 2012) ? New understanding of molecular changes that convert harmless cells surrounding ovarian cancer cells into cells that promote tumor growth and metastasis provides potential new therapeutic targets for this deadly disease, according to data published in Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

"New approaches for treating patients with ovarian cancer are desperately needed," said Ernst Lengyel, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Chicago. "There have been no new approaches introduced into the clinic for quite some time, and we have seen no major improvements in patient survival over the years."

According to Lengyel, greater understanding of the biology of ovarian cancer should provide new therapeutic targets. He and his colleagues set out to learn how normal stromal cells are transformed into cancer-associated fibroblasts, which are found in the tissue immediately surrounding the ovarian cancer cells. Intimate cross talk between cancer-associated fibroblasts and cancer cells boosts tumor growth and metastasis.

"The strength of our study lies in the fact that we used cells from patients, rather than cell lines," said Lengyel. "This means that our model system reflects as closely as possible the clinical situation in patients."

Initial analysis indicated that cancer-associated fibroblasts from patients with ovarian cancer had altered patterns of expression of small molecules called microRNAs compared with normal and tumor-adjacent fibroblasts.

MicroRNAs are important regulators of gene expression because they help direct that cell's function. Thus, modified patterns of microRNA expression change cell function. Lengyel and colleagues further studied the microRNA most upregulated in cancer-associated fibroblasts and the two microRNAs most significantly downregulated. When they changed the pattern of expression of these three microRNAs in normal fibroblasts to mimic the pattern they had seen in cancer-associated fibroblasts, they found that the normal fibroblasts were converted into cells with in-vitro characteristics of cancer-associated fibroblasts. Moreover, the cells reprogrammed to become cancer-associated fibroblasts by altering microRNA expression enhanced the growth of tumor cells in a mouse model of ovarian cancer.

Conversely, restoring the pattern of expression of the three microRNAs to normal in cancer-associated fibroblasts reduced their cancer-promoting characteristics.

"Therapeutic approaches targeting microRNAs in cancer cells are under development," said Lengyel. "Our work suggests that it might be possible to modify microRNA expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts for therapeutic benefit."

Lengyel added that treatments targeting microRNAs in cancer-associated fibroblasts may be particularly effective because these cells are genetically stable, unlike cancer cells, therefore, the risk that cancers will become unresponsive to these treatments is less than for treatments targeting cancer cells.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Anirban K. Mitra, Marion Zillhardt, Youjia Hua, Payal Tiwari, Andrea E. Murmann, Marcus E. Peter, and Ernst Lengyel. MicroRNAs Reprogram Normal Fibroblasts into Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Discovery, November 21, 2012 DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-12-0206

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

SLEEP IN ON BLACK FRIDAY!!! ? One family?One home?One ...

SLEEP IN ON BLACK FRIDAY! You can do your shopping?this Saturday afternoon at the ONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE Charitable auction at the LaHarpe Community Clubhouse! Come help us celebrate the kickoff of the Thurman rebuilding ?project at our Annual?event.?The?youth group from the LaHarpe Christian Church will be serving soup from 11am until the auction begins at 1pm, so come enjoy the good food before the auction begins!

We?ve got some AMAZING items to be auctioned off, so invite your friends! It?s a great?opportunity??to support a family in need while you?do?some necessary?Christmas shopping! All proceeds are going to the material for the Umphreys home in Thurman IA, so bid on electronics, antiques, crafts and many more?items with NO?buyers remorse! Don?t have enough room to store all your toys and tools?Problem solved! We?re auctioning on a hand crafted?8?12 wooden storage shed to be constructed this Spring. DONT MISS THIS AUCTION! There will be something for everyone!

If you can?t make it for the entire auction, just?stop by to pick up a ONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE hooded sweatshirt!??Make a donation of $30 and you?ll be?wearing a stylish hoodie home! (while supplies last?if we run out, we?ll order more).??They also make great gifts! Orders will be delivered before Christmas!

God bless you all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.? Hope to see you Saturday!

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What if JFK had survived his assassination?

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas. Almost as prevalent as theories about his assassination are theories about what would have happened to three major historical events if JFK had been alive in 1964.

kennedy in white house

President Kennedy with Dean Rusk and Robert McNamara

It was 49 years ago today that Kennedy was killed on Dealey Plaza. His accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, died at the hands of Jack Ruby several days later.

Since then, many theories have sprung up about the assassination, who was involved and why Kennedy was killed.

Among historians and some authors, there has been detailed debate and discussion about what would have happened in the event that Kennedy wasn?t killed in November 1963.

The three main topics of debate have been the outcome of the 1964 presidential election; the escalation of the Vietnam War; and the finality of the historic Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts.

All three of those items were in process when Kennedy died when he visited Texas as part of the run-up to the 1964 presidential campaign.

Kennedy was committed to running again in 1964 and based on the theories among historians, he had a good chance of winning.

His popularity rating was at 58 percent right before the assassination, just after he served 1,000 days in office. That number was higher than similar ratings for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, five presidents who won re-election bids.

The presumptive presidential nominee for the Republicans in late 1963 was Senator Barry Goldwater. He was friends with Kennedy and briefly dropped out of race after Kennedy?s death, only to re-enter it to oppose a man he disliked, Lyndon Johnson.

Kennedy and Goldwater had reportedly agreed to debate, while Johnson had no interest in debating Goldwater.

The closeness of an election between Kennedy and Goldwater would have been decided by two big issues looming over the year of 1964: civil rights and Vietnam.

On taped recordings made in the White House just before his death, Kennedy told advisers he expected a tough re-election campaign because of his support of civil rights.

President Kennedy had introduced his historic Civil Rights Act in June 1963 and it was stalled in Congress when Kennedy died.

The Civil Rights Act faced fierce opposition in Congress, mostly from southern Democrats. Kennedy rejected an attempt to substitute a bill that would allow segregation at public facilities to continue.

After his death, President Johnson told the nation that passing the Civil Rights Act would be the best way to honor Kennedy?s legacy, but it took until July 1964 for Johnson and his allies to get the act approved.

If Kennedy had lived, the debate over the Civil Rights Act would have occurred during an election year?or maybe not.

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One theory is that Kennedy would have waited until after the 1964 election, with the hope of having more leverage in Congress to pass the act. The combination of Kennedy and Johnson would have tackled the bill, which would have been a protracted battle.

In reality, President Johnson was able to get the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964 and Voting Rights Act passed in 1965 using his mandate from a landslide election, Kennedy?s legacy and his considerable powers of persuasion in Congress.

The same audio tapes from November 19,? 1963 also show Kennedy?s concerns about the crisis in Vietnam as he quizzes two aides who had returned from Asia.

?On the one hand, you get the military saying the war is going better, and on the other hand, you get the political [opinion] with its deterioration . . . I?d like to have an explanation what the reason is for the difference,? Kennedy asked.

The president?s brother, Robert Kennedy, did an audio interview for the Kennedy Library in April 1964 that recounted the thinking about Vietnam at the time of the president?s death: that Vietnam couldn?t fall to the Communists.

?He had a strong, overwhelming reason for being in Vietnam and that we should win the war in Vietnam,? Robert Kennedy said about his brother. The reason was the Domino theory, ?Just the loss of all of Southeast Asia if you lost Vietnam. I think everybody was quite clear that the rest of Southeast Asia would fall,? Kennedy said.

Just three weeks before President Kennedy?s death, South Vietnamese president South Vietnamese Ngo Dinh Diem was killed in a military coup indirectly supported by the United States.

In August 1963, Kennedy said in another taped conversation that Congress would be mad if it found out about a proposed coup in Vietnam, but Congress would ?be madder if Vietnam goes down the drain.?

The situation rapidly deteriorated in Vietnam in the year after Kennedy?s death and in August 1964, Congress approved by a near unanimous vote the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution, which gave President Johnson the ability to commit massive amounts of U.S. troops without a war declaration.

In 2009, filmmaker and visiting Brown scholar Koji Masutani took on the subject of Kennedy and Vietnam in Virtual JFK: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Live. The film was based on a book and considerable research on the subject by academics at Brown and the University of Toronto, who looked at large amounts of data and transcripts from the Kennedy administration.

Masutani and the researchers concluded that Kennedy would have sought a more diplomatic solution than Johnson, who committed more troops to the Vietnam War in 1964, and that Kennedy wanted to be out of Vietnam entirely by 1966.

Their theory was that Kennedy had a pattern of behavior, established in his handling of crises like the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile situations, which usually had the president going against the advice of his military advisers to find a diplomatic solution.

Planning documents from November 20, 1963 show that the U.S. had hoped to have all military personnel out of Vietnam by the end of the 1965 calendar year, unless there were ?justified? exceptions.

But the fallout from the Diem coup was unknown at the time of the Kennedy assassination, so how the president would have handled Vietnam during an election year remains a mystery.

Scott Bomboy is the editor-in-chief of the National Constitution Center.

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