Tuesday, April 17, 2012

5 Common Acne Mistakes Worth Avoiding

At every turn, there seems to be acne advice for both teens and adults.? While majority of the information is really valuable, people are unaware of some acne mistakes that are making their skin situation even worse.

Here are the most common eye-opening acne mistakes.

Acne Treatments

For those who have searched high and low for acne treatments, they have discovered there is a mountain of products to sift through.?

Many are buying products online.? And if that?s the case, it?s important to be able to chat with someone knowledgeable to discuss specific skin issues.? It?s a good idea to find an e-commerce store in where you kind speak with savvy people who know about the different acne treatments out there.

If one decides to take this road alone, the best piece of advice is to learn about the ingredients on the bottle to make sure it?s a good match.?

Other treatment tips are:

  • Use your medication on a regular basis for maximum results
  • Only use the recommended amount and don?t apply more
  • Still continue treatment after acne is gone to prevent it from coming back

Above all, depending on the acne challenges, don?t get discouraged if your treatment doesn?t work as quickly as you wanted.? There are no overnight miracles.


Popping or squeezing pimples is never a treatment plan for acne.? Not only can bacteria from the pimple go into other pores causing more acne, but it can lead to bad scarring.?


Sunscreen is way too important not to use every single day of the year.? It prevents premature aging, and even worse, skin cancer.

These days, sunscreens are not heavy and greasy.? There are products which are oil free and go on sheer and light.? It?s a perfect match for acne prone skin.

Be sure to look for sunscreens that won?t clog pores.? Generally, they?ll have a ?noncomedogenic? label on the bottle.



Like sunscreen, there is a moisturizer out there for people who deal with acne.? Once again, look for the ?noncomedogenic? label.? A daily skin care routine requires a good moisturizer to keep skin soft and supple.? Dry skin, by the way, can really aggravate acne so please avoid this.


Too much baking in the sun is not good for the skin. Many make the mistake into thinking an unprotected tan will get rid of their pimples.? This couldn?t be further from the truth.? Research has shown that this kind of habit can cause pigmentation issues in where acne areas on the skin remain darker than the rest of the face.? Other studies have unfolded that tanning can actually encourage more pimples.?

Stopping these five mistakes will jumpstart healthier looking skin.

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